Watching the CareBears Movie (and totally ignoring teacher of course!) |
When mom dropped them off it was hilarious, because she was in my apartment yelling "teeeeeeacherrrrrrr!" while I was the only one hanging out saying goodnight to her mom. Poor mom, I think it was sad for her to leave without her daughter tugging at her pantlegs to stay, lol... when it's time for our class she is usually shoving her mom out the door with both hands with a "see you later mommy, it's my classtime now, bye!!!!"... This, from the little girl who in March took one look at me and screamed for her mom to stay - she's so grownup now!!
Margaret's favourite thing is the new cell phone her grandpa bought her to start elementary school with! |
The girls and I had a great time, really! They were in their jammies before I even came in from the porch and saying goodnight to mom, they were so excited. They came over when I finished teaching Friday and we made spaghetti together... not much to that, right? Of course I forgot to take photos because I was too busy making sure they didn't burn down my kitchen, but we had lots of fun! There was spaghetti sauce EVERYwhere, but that's just what I consider a consequence of those under 4 feet tall being in the kitchen! :)
After dinner we made some pictures for their mommies with stamps and markers and cutouts (they love to draw of course) and then we watched the Care Bears (which was a little creepy, when compared to what I remember them looking like when I was a kid!). The girls loved the movie, and it was all I could do to get them to EAT once it was on, lol... they were very cute...
Sandy rolled around on my floor like a human mop, lol, she loves ballet - I think this was the snake ballet! |
Once the movie ended we put away our dishes and I put on my jammies and we all brushed our teeth. We did manicures (very grown up, that is!) and played Guess Who together, and then we had a mini dance party (because man Korean kids looooove dance parties!) to some good ole' dance music.
When it was coming on midnight I figured I should probably start getting them wound down into bed. We did the toothbrushing facewashing routine and the three of us piled into bed - it was just like I remember sleepovers with all the giggling and silliness. After about 20 minutes they were quiet enough to start falling asleep, and I was pretty impressed. I had promised pancakes in the morning, so that got them quiet (ahhh, successful bribery - yay!).
About 4 hours later after the 3rd time I got kicked hard in the shin by Margaret (she dreams of soccer I think!), and the 5th time I woke to catch Sandy from rolling off the edge of the bed (she decided to curl up at the end of the bed, lol) I moved my butt to the sofa to sleep. I didn't really sleep any more between then and when the girls woke up at 8, between making sure Margaret wasn't kicking Sandy in the head, and that Sandy wasn't rolling herself off the bed - I was on watch, lol.
They both enjoyed their pancakes and icecream (and not necessarily in that order!) |
They had a great time mixing the batter and pouring in all the ingredients and cracking eggs and stuff, and hardly ANYthing wound up on the floor - it was incredible!! :) The pancakes turned out perfectly, and it was as though we hardly finished before mom was back to pick them up... I can't say they were well put together (I hadn't combed their hair or done anything more than getting them into their clean clothes), but they were in one piece, and they were so happy.
Me too, what a great way to start my weekend!! I'm going to miss Korea, a lot.
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