Wow! I think I just saw famous people perform live for free in a concert in the park!!
Once I'd mentioned that there was a concert in the park it was no contest, the movie theatre lost out without as much as a second thought. We like movies, but they'll still be there later, right?
When we arrived in the park there were people *E*V*E*R*Y*W*H*E*R*E*... not only were all those chairs I showed you yesterday all filled with people, but every square inch of grass had a Korean (or 3!) on it, and some of the gazebo rooftops were inhabited as well! Kids, grandparents, moms and dads, teenagers, dogs (an awful lot of dogs actually, despite the racket!)... you name the demographic and they seemed to be there! The odd guy was passed out along the walkway after too much beer/soju in the afternoon sun, but for the most part things were pretty respectable.
Dried squid, cotton candy, beer for sale at little booths set up outside the park, along with little flashy-light toys for the kids (and the security crew, as the police at the event (actually the R.O.K. Marine Forces) carried blinking orange batons, hilarious and impossible to take seriously they obviously meant business!). We weren't able to get too close to the stage since we arrived after the concert had already started, but we could see fine thanks to the BIG screens that were set up on each side of the stage.
Now this was named a family rock festival. We had focused on the word "rock," but the tunes that had the grandmas giggling and singing along at full volume reminded us that the emphasis was more on the "family" part of the show, lol.... we just waited for it to pass... :)
A few good bands, a few toe-tappin-makin'-granny-happy bands (yes, really, I do mean a few), and then suddenly all the teenage boys turned giddy and started pushing up to the front (translation: half-naked girls about to arrive onstage!).
The show ended with fireworks, and I loved it!! So much better than a movie...
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