Friday, March 4, 2011

Wandering Around Dhaka

I woke to the sound of the Muslim prayer call this morning, and I have NO idea what time it was.  It sounded nice, so I thought it better than any alarm clock I'd ever had, and went back to sleep.  I woke myself up around 8 and started organizing my day. 

I spent half the morning lazing around the apartment studiously planning the rest of my time in Bangladesh with the guidebook Kassandra loaned me (it's likely what I'll be doing with my evening too!).  When I got that all sorted out (mostly I wanted to have a sketch of my total comings and goings over the next 2 weeks and a hotel for tomorrow in Old Dhaka) I decided to go wander the streets.  I had no particular destination in mind, I just wanted to see what it was like on the streets of Bangladesh on a normal day!

I wandered up from the hotel and saw the US Embassy at the end of the road I'm staying on.  I walked toward an area I remembered driving through last night and passed several more embassies, consular offices, and high commissions (whatever THEY do!).  I passed lots of people out walking and busy working (construction, selling things, carrying stuff, friendly baby policemen guarding random empty spaces of sidewalks).

70Taka = $1ish
Above is Tk100, 200, 20 and 10
500mL bottle of sprite: Tk28
 I found myself an ATM and then a shop with pop (yay!) and bought myself a can of sprite (MAN I was thirsty with all the pollution and the heat!) and continued walking around.  I found a little lake park that I walked through, and then I sat down to thumb through the guide book again to take a break from the shade.  I'll share some photos of the walk through the day because it's just easier than trying to talk you through it!!

Bangladesh is definitely its very own place, unlike pretty much anywhere else I've been. People are friendly and a little shy, there are flowers and garden shops along the streets, and then other streets there are animals stalls and dead birds and rats... I'm not sure yet how it all fits together to be honest!

I have never, repeat: NEVER, been stared at so much in all my life.  Ever!  I was dressed entirely appropriate (pants and a shirt with sleeves and everything) but man, it was surreal walking around outside today!  Everywhere I looked there were cars and trucks and rickshaws and little green motorized rickshaw looking things whose names I've forgotten, and PEOPLE, people EVerywhere!!!  While I did feel like a minority in Korea, it was Nowhere near how it is here in Bangladesh, nowhere near.  I was a little unnerved by it at first, but as a whole day has passed in which I spent most of it outside with Bangladeshi people I really do feel only like it is out of interest and curiousity that they stare, and nothing nefarious or scary.  Not one boob grab or butt grab or anything even when crushed in a throng of people watching cricket, and NOT that much can be said about my lovely Korea!  :)
Earlier in the day the streets were near empty
All sorts of traffic around the circle

It's funny how the cars, bikes, rikshaws and CNGs all get along
I found an amusement park not too far away: Wonderland!
Only 50 Taka (Tk70 = $1) to go in, but I didn't want to go

Market selling fruit outside

Covered market selling shoes and housewares

Pimped out rickshaw, I love them!
This is the street I'm staying on at the moment
Now why are you all standing around up there?
Ooh, watching World Cup cricket - me too! Me too!
(is this a bad time to admit I know NOthing about it?)
Bangladesh Tigers Cricket Team - I might need to get a tshirt!
(The beautiful Bengal Tigers of course are from Bangladesh, Im hoping to see one (unlikely though it may be) when I go to the Sundurbans wildlife preserve down south!)
Setting up market stalls for nightfall

Cute carts that will be filled with food later when the market opens

Busy, dirty hodgepodge of a street!

Abandoned (perhaps once set on fire?) behind market stalls

Abandoned and papered in front of police station

Cockroaches - I'd be okay with never seeing one here

Ha! I can find a piece of Korea anywhere!! It was the Korean centre for economic cooperation or somesuch thing..
Canada too!  Whatever these folks do I have no idea
Decidedly, I'm in the wrong field!

Garden centres along the roadside

Catching a ride to work (check out the truck)
(I missed taking a photo of the streams of people leaving the mosque when prayers were done because I was too busy taking it all in (you miss out, sorry man!), you can only see a couple people in the background here)

Are crows carrion birds?  Flocks of them came to the top of this building, and it gave me a very* bad* feeling* about the quality of care you might get at this pet hospital!!
 Oh, and what I didn't take a picture of (I was too busy keeping the contents of my stomach where they belonged) was what I saw when I turned left at the end of the alley... first I thought it was just farm animals, goats (yay goats!), some cows (with their rears oddly marked, I think blessed for slaughter later), chickens, and then I noticed clumps on the ground of things that were skin and fur, others skin and bones and feathers, it was downright disgusting...

The worst part of it was when I had to slide past this huge rubbish container (like the size contractors se for renovations tossaways at home) that was dripping and leaking fluids... it was full of parts of things better left to your imagination... gross, gross, gross... it was just sitting in the middle of this little sidestreet and it was either either (a) keep walking, or (b) walk back through the rest of it again and I thought "hell, I'm already this far, I might as well get to the end... don't vomit, don't vomit, don't vomit "oh yah (wave, smile at friendly people talking to you!) hi!"

Blarghk.  Bet you wish YOU were there for that!

And with that, I am going to go plan the rest of my Bangladesh stay... I can hardly keep my eyes open, what a day!  (Oh, and I didn't write or show you pictures from the night market I stumbled into once I hit the road again around 4:30 (you saw pictures of it above as people started getting ready for it, but maybe tomorrow if I still have internet when I find a hotel!).  I took a few videos too so you can check it out soon!


  1. Sounds like an adventure!! Goodness, I'm so glad you kept your stomach when walking past the.. whatever it was. Container of things left unspoken. haha, I would NOT have been able to. *applauds*

    Oh, and, Hi! My name's Alyssa:) I found your blog a little while back, and I love it. Seriously. I've never been to Bangladesh, or Korea, but I have been to Thailand and Taipei. I love Asia and the people there. It seems you have a heart for them, too:)

    I'd love to get to know you better. And you can be sure I'll be a regular reader from here on out!

  2. Hi Alyssa, thanks for the note - it's lovely to "meet" you!! :) I'm happy you're stopping by, I know I love to read travel journals too!

    The animal parts dumpster was pretty gross, but we have an entirely different idea about animals and animal rights at home that you just don't get to force on everyone else as you travel, hard though it is.

    I *lovelovelove* Thailand, I've been a few times - never to Taipei tho (I'll have to check out your blog sometime and see if you wrote about it!). Asia is my cuppa tea too, you're right!

    So pop in when you like, I'm happy to see you and share my little adventure with you as I go :)


I'd love to hear your thoughts!

My to-do List (May it Continue to Grow!)

Take a 'real' Korean class (check!)

Spend a weekend in the country (check!)

Try some kind of art class (maybe painting?)

Take the ferry to a farming island and hang out for a weekend minbak-style in the summer

Check out some kind of art exhibit (check!)

Go to Everland and see the animal safari

Go to Caribbean Bay in the summer

Take a martial art for 6 months consecutively

Cliff dive over near ChiriSan, if I can find the spot

Practice yoga for 3 months (in a class maybe?) (check!)

Take a digital photography course

Spend my weekends doing stuff (check!)

Make Korean friends (check!)

Visit JeJu Island

Do the Vagina Monologues again

Go to the fun concerts that visit (check!)

Work as a counselor in one of the schools

Reconnect with old friends (check!)

Join a hiking/touring group and do stuff (check!)

Let go of my obsessiong w/converting KRW to CAD (check!)

Do a 5km run just for the fun of it

See the Broadway shows that visit

Climb a mountain (check!)

Go to the mud festival in July (check!)

Keep in touch regularly with friends and family back at home


"Bundang Apartment" "ESL Planet" "first day" "first day" school "Jolly Pong" "Korean Goodness" "Medical Exam" "Pico Iyer" "Puran Dhaka" "visa extension" 6-7-8 activities acupuncture adjummas adventure Airport AK Plaza Anapji Pond anxious apartment apartment. bundang apartment. money Arrival Art baking Ban-Po Sauna Bangladesh Bangladesh Embassy in Seoul bank bbq BCS Computer City Best Kids Birisiri birthday Bomun Lake breakfast Buddha Bulguksa Butterfingers call-van Casa Loma Castle CGV Cherry Blossoms Church clothes CNG coffeenie computers concert contract Costco countdown Dabotap Demonstration departure Dhaka doctor E-Mart Embassy Family fatwa festival firsts Flowers Flying food friends furniture getting ready Gongju Goodbye Grandpas grotto growing up Gulshan-2 District Gyeong-Ju hartal Hawaii health heart gifts hiking home plus hospital hotel Incheon Airport Indian Visa Application Insa-Dong Intelligi Building Jenny Jim-Jil-Bang Jiri Mountain Jongmyo Shrine JukJeon Jupiter Class kids and moms Korea korea career teaching Korean Friends Korean History La Clinique Bundang La Merce learning korean leaving Maggie Maggie and Murphy Magoksa manners massage Mini Yorkshire Terriers mistakes moods Mornings motorcycle movie theatre Movies moving Music my history in Korea myeongdong Mymensingh Namdaemun Market nervous noraebahng officetel Ori packing Palace Park Passport pedicure People Photography Photos Pinwheels plans play prayers present puppies quotes rain Rally recruiter Riding the bus river sanderghat Sauna savings Schedule school Scuba Diving Scuta Diving Sejon Center Seokguram Seoul shopping sick sinus infection sleepover snow soccer sports Spring Srimongol starbucks strike subway summer Tapgol Park taxi tea garden Teacher's Day teaching teaching reading teaching speaking temple temple stay Thailand the gym time to-do-list tornado Toronto train travel underwater photos university update veterinarian Video VIPs Visa Waiting Walking wandering weather wedding weekend why Korea yellow dust YWCA