Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 2, Woohoooo!

At 4am this morning I was wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide awake. Partially because I was kinda cold, my nose was freezing, and partially because I'd slept a lot by then. When we arrived in the apartment it had been closed up, heat off an everything, so th room temperature (when I finally figured out how to turn on my thermostat!) was at 14 degrees. I had the heat on all night. In Korea the heat comes through the floor, yummy warm floors, freezing concrete walls. I spent the night wrapped like a mummy in my heavy comforter and contemplated several times getting up to put more clothing on. I think I was in bed by about 8:30pm local, so really it should not have been a surprise to me that I woke up so early! The surprising part is more that my nose, sticking out from the covers, feels as it does when I go CAMPING!!!!!! Small other problem that requires fixing is that fact that my pillow is so hard that I woke up after sleeping on my side with a sharp pain in my ear as the cartilidge returned to it's normal position when I lifted my head. The bed was wonderful, the cover was warm (when you're not camping!) and I think even Mags had a good sleep when she finally settled in. On the subject of sleep, I have decided that if the apartment is not warmer by the time I'm ready for bed we will be sleeping on the warm heated floor with the mattress pad and blanket, cuz freezing and sleeping kinda mix like peanut butter and pea soup!

Waking up this morning in the dark I was acutely aware that we were "not in Kansas anymore," and it made me smile beneath the covers that were tucked up my nose as I remembered that we're off on an adventure. My apartment won't be ready for a few days so I won't be able to spend the next couple of days nesting, but I will take some time to walk around, get my bearings, figure out where the heck I live and what's around me. After laying in bed until about 5 I just couldn't do it anymore, so I got up and started getting ready for the day. Mags and I had jolly pong for breakfast (kinda like honey-coated puffed wheat) with a terrible cafe latte from the quickie mart. I looked out the window for awhile watching the traffic trickle through the toll gateway to Seoul (it realy didn't stop all night), and made a mental note to buy a plug adaptor for the computer so I could play music to cover the traffic. Of course once I made that mental note I had to go dig out my notebook (a lovely little magnatized book from the guys at work) and list the other few things I'd like to pick up while I'm out and about today. Last night I wished I'd brought a bar of soap and a hair care set so that I could shower, but I went out to the quickie mart and picked a couple of little things before heading to bed. After showering I remembered that I didn't pack a towel, so I dried off with my tshirt (we've all done that, right!??), and added 'towels' to my list. Once Saturday arrives and I know what I have and what I'm missing from my apartment I can do a nesting shopping trip, but until then a few things will do.
This morning when the sun finally came up I decided that Mags and I should go for a walk. Let me just say: IT'S FREAKIN' COLD OUTSIDE!!!! It's really not that bad temperature-wise, the snow on the freeway is mush where the cars are driving, It snowed about 5cm while we were sleeping, and you can just feel the moisture in the air when you're outside. Wearing a sweater, my hoodie and my down vest with my cute little toque I'm plenty warm enough (mental note: gloves), but I'm going to pick up some kind of jacket this morning when I go shopping. I put Mags in her little Team Canada t-shirt for the walk (yes, I bought my dog a tshirt) and out we went into the slush. Maintenance/parking guys were out with snow shovels clearing the business sidewalks on the main streets, and shopkeepers were out with plastic-bristled brooms clearing their storefront sidewalks of snow. I was going to take a picture but my fingers were already too cold, lol, I'm a terrible Canadian, unable to handle snow and cold!! We only walked around the block since it was so cold... just down and across the street I already found a Starbuck's (right out my door practically, I don't know if that's good or bad?!), and there's a Holly's Coffee on the 2nd level directly across from me. There are lots of other businesses as well, but it will take me some time to calm my brain and read through all of the signs. So far I have found 1 PC room down the block and up an alley, and 3 in my school building... 3!! Mags was alternating feet halfway through our walk since she was cold, so I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way home, silly pup - the snow will be gone soon or I'd be thinking about getting her new boots... what is this world coming to?? :)

For now, it's about 20 after 8 so I'm going to save this to my zip drive and try to find a PC room that's already open (assuming that they ever close?). Then I'm going to taxi over to my old neighbourhood to pick up a few necessities (and a couple extras!) so I can be a little more comfortable here at home. 'Kettle' and 'mug' just went on the list so I can make some tea... at least I'll be warm on the inside until the heat gets here!! Guess the good news is that I'll have lots of time to work on my paper since everyone I know is working! Hope you've had a wonderful day at home, and I kinda hope that you're warmer than I am!! Talk again soon... S.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings to my favourite Nomad. Sounds like you are settling in nicely. Maggie seems to have adjusted really well. Do you think she recognized her old pet store. That would be interesting. Wrote to Anne and Dianne and finally remembered to brag about your good marks. They are not surprised you are on another adventure and wish you much happiness.
    I went to my first meeting last night and am really motivated. The first step to a long journey. Everybody really nice. My commitment this week is to eat breakfast everyday.
    What is your weather like. Are you now wishing you had your winter coat. I hope you are staying warm cause I know how much you like to be warm.
    It is 11 Am here so should be 3pm on Friday there Am I right?
    Really enjoy reading about your adventures and you writing is great. Someday you should turn it into a novel. So keep on blogging!!
    You know how much I love you but I never get tired of telling you MUCH MUCH MUCH.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!

My to-do List (May it Continue to Grow!)

Take a 'real' Korean class (check!)

Spend a weekend in the country (check!)

Try some kind of art class (maybe painting?)

Take the ferry to a farming island and hang out for a weekend minbak-style in the summer

Check out some kind of art exhibit (check!)

Go to Everland and see the animal safari

Go to Caribbean Bay in the summer

Take a martial art for 6 months consecutively

Cliff dive over near ChiriSan, if I can find the spot

Practice yoga for 3 months (in a class maybe?) (check!)

Take a digital photography course

Spend my weekends doing stuff (check!)

Make Korean friends (check!)

Visit JeJu Island

Do the Vagina Monologues again

Go to the fun concerts that visit (check!)

Work as a counselor in one of the schools

Reconnect with old friends (check!)

Join a hiking/touring group and do stuff (check!)

Let go of my obsessiong w/converting KRW to CAD (check!)

Do a 5km run just for the fun of it

See the Broadway shows that visit

Climb a mountain (check!)

Go to the mud festival in July (check!)

Keep in touch regularly with friends and family back at home


"Bundang Apartment" "ESL Planet" "first day" "first day" school "Jolly Pong" "Korean Goodness" "Medical Exam" "Pico Iyer" "Puran Dhaka" "visa extension" 6-7-8 activities acupuncture adjummas adventure Airport AK Plaza Anapji Pond anxious apartment apartment. bundang apartment. money Arrival Art baking Ban-Po Sauna Bangladesh Bangladesh Embassy in Seoul bank bbq BCS Computer City Best Kids Birisiri birthday Bomun Lake breakfast Buddha Bulguksa Butterfingers call-van Casa Loma Castle CGV Cherry Blossoms Church clothes CNG coffeenie computers concert contract Costco countdown Dabotap Demonstration departure Dhaka doctor E-Mart Embassy Family fatwa festival firsts Flowers Flying food friends furniture getting ready Gongju Goodbye Grandpas grotto growing up Gulshan-2 District Gyeong-Ju hartal Hawaii health heart gifts hiking home plus hospital hotel Incheon Airport Indian Visa Application Insa-Dong Intelligi Building Jenny Jim-Jil-Bang Jiri Mountain Jongmyo Shrine JukJeon Jupiter Class kids and moms Korea korea career teaching Korean Friends Korean History La Clinique Bundang La Merce learning korean leaving Maggie Maggie and Murphy Magoksa manners massage Mini Yorkshire Terriers mistakes moods Mornings motorcycle movie theatre Movies moving Music my history in Korea myeongdong Mymensingh Namdaemun Market nervous noraebahng officetel Ori packing Palace Park Passport pedicure People Photography Photos Pinwheels plans play prayers present puppies quotes rain Rally recruiter Riding the bus river sanderghat Sauna savings Schedule school Scuba Diving Scuta Diving Sejon Center Seokguram Seoul shopping sick sinus infection sleepover snow soccer sports Spring Srimongol starbucks strike subway summer Tapgol Park taxi tea garden Teacher's Day teaching teaching reading teaching speaking temple temple stay Thailand the gym time to-do-list tornado Toronto train travel underwater photos university update veterinarian Video VIPs Visa Waiting Walking wandering weather wedding weekend why Korea yellow dust YWCA