Graduation day was happening at the school today (nothing to do with me), so I went with the other new teacher who's starting at the same time as me at Best Kids, Jerry. We chatted most of the way there whilst being crammed into the subway car with (what felt like) about a hundred Koreans on their way to work. We had suggested to our boss that we take the bus into Seoul (often quicker than the subway after all of the transfers etc.), but he insisted that the subway was better, so there we were, 2 more sardines packed into a can. Took about an hour to get there, only one transfer and about 3 blocks to the hospital, which was very well marked along the street (in English and in Korean), and we made our way to it easily.
We got ourselves to Stop No. 1 on the medical-mystery tour and sat down toward the back of the room. It was a small office equipped with a few desks and a seating area, a scale, a blood pressure machine that you stick your arm in (like at the drug store back home), and a set of big earphones, along with 3 or 4 Korean nurses and a tiny little security guard. Now for some reason, the heat on the 2nd floor was set to about 30 degrees, heaters were blowing around every corner. I wasn't there 2 minutes before I was sweating, the jacket was off and I was wishing I'd worn a tshirt instead of dress shirt and vest! After starting and stopping a few times on his way over to us, the young security guard approached and said 'give to me your papers please,' meaning the 'itinerary' they'd given us at reception. From there, the show was on... they should have sold popcorn!
The seating area had room for about 12 people, though there were only 4 or 5 of us there at the time. The first job was to go over and stand on the scale. After much 'stand in shoes off... no, um, stand up and shoes... no, um....' I watched as Jerry took off his shoes to stand on the scale. As he stood there with his back to the bar running up the back and some coaching about how to stand ('straight up, up, straight up!'), a little bar propelled itself down the spine of the scale until it lightly bonked him on the head - I'm assuming it measured his height. The nurse called his numbers across to another nurse at the computer (3 desks away so everyone in the room could be apprised of his measurements!), and then he was on to the hearing test (all of course while we watched avidly from the sidelines). Nothing like the 3 minute run at home, where you have to click a button each time you hear a sound, this one was 3 beeps, to which you raised your hand depending on which side the beep came on... left hand up, right hand, left hand, and 'ok finishee.' "Finished? That was the hearing test?" Jerry asked, 'yah yah, finishee,' and on to the blood pressure machine. This one was nothing special, exactly like to ones in the drugstores at home where you sit and stick your arm in. "No looking, no talk" directions to sit still and not speak, and the numbers once again called across the room to the nurse at the computer. Next came the eye chart, standard fare as at home, other than the small shadows of animals that lined the right side of the eye chart... a butterly, a bird, an airplane (yes, really). Cover left eye, cover right eye, all ok. Finally, the nurse brought Jerry to the centre of the room, so that he was about 2 feet away from the seating area (better viewpoint for the spectators maybe?) and mimed that he should raise both arms out at his side to shoulder level, at which point she took his chest measurement, and called those numbers out to the computer nurse, the women on the waiting benches giggling behind their hands. I joined in the process just after he finished his hearing test, and all eyes were on us for the remainder of the stop. The nurses were very friendly, and I'm sure it's normal practice (for example, in the waiting rooms your name is on an LCD board followed by the procedure you're waiting for). Head nurse stapled english instructions to our pages, and directed us to follow the green line (kinda like the subway map but on the hospital floor!) to x-ray.
'X-ray? What? Since when, did you know we were getting an x-ray?'... x-ray indeed. After walking along the tape to get down the hall to stop no. 2 on the medical mystery tour, 3 very bashful boys (i.e. x-ray technicians) were waiting for us. I changed (shir-cha, tshir-cha, all top, top underwear too) into a little flowered hospital shirt and went in for my chest x-ray. It was a standing machine, the technician just squished me up against it with my little gown on and then took the shot. No nudity, which surprised (and gladdened!) me. Least intrusive most private spot on the tour, I even had a private room (with a locking door!) to change in. From there it was 'follow the red line and go le-puh-tuh (left) for sample correction,' which from the sound of alone we were both a little slower as we walked heel to toe along the red taped line. Upon arrival to stop no. 3 we were hit with a new blast of heat as the temperature had raised about another 10 degrees, and we had to pull a number, where there were just over 10 people waiting ahead of us. Sample coLLection, as one would expect, was blood and urine... only all the good times in Korea! When my number was called I walked up to the nurses's desk and sat down. On the tray next to me the nurse had piled (thrown) the empty (and bloody) syringe parts from each patient in line ahead of me, I was all kinds of grossed out, and couldn't help staring at the pile. I was thinking 'ew! that is so unsanitary! you can't just leave bloody things laying around like that! how gross!' before I managed to give my head a shake and remember that I was not at home anymore. 'still... gross...ew!' echoed in my mind as I tried to avert my eyes and listen to the nurse's instructions. With 3 vials of blood drawn (HIV and TB on the sheet, I don't know what else they were looking for) she slapped a sticker on a dixie cup and pointed me in the direction of the bathroom, through the waiting crowd and about 20 feet up the hall.
"You put cup there, on tray." I looked at the cup, I looked at the little metal cart she had pointed at. 'That tray??' I asked, pointing to the little kitchen cart with a stationary basket on top parked next to one of the rows of benches in the seating area, and she nodded, moving on to the next patient. I giggled uncomfortably, looked at the cup and the tray once more, looking around at the 12-15 faces turned my direction in the waiting room (probably thinking crazy foreigners, what will they do next?), shrugged at Jerry who was still waiting his turn, and walked down to the bathroom with my little paper dixie cup in hand.
5 minutes after that and we were on our way out of the hospital again, with directions to return in a week to collect the results. We cleared the hospital lickety split, both happy to be free of the heat and the scrutiny for a few minutes longer before making our way down the subway stairs again and back to school. Phewph... Glad that's done!
The Magical Medical Mystery Tour was hilarious although I'm sure you didn't think so at the time. I could picture every stop you had to make. By the way the gown not really your colour but cute design.
ReplyDeleteWes game was tied 8 - 8 today. Wes got hat trick. One of star defencemen took a hit and broke collar bone during game and is out for the season.
Tomorrow we play same team but on home ice.
Your car left cozy home today and is now residing at your brothers place. He is going to wash and cover it tomorrow.
Lovin the blog. Hugs............Mom
Nice little story Shauna...sounds like my week! I went to the doctor for my intestinal infection and he wanted me to give a urine sample...had to march through a waiting room of 30 old Spanish people with my pee cup. In the bathroom: no soap, no toilet paper, and I had to march back through the waiting room with my sample. No hay verguenza, as they say in Spain. (No shame!)
ReplyDeleteYes, you're right Mom, buttercream isn't really a colour I'd purchas for myself, but the Koreans look great in everything. Please ask Greg to check inside the cup holder for the mail key? Just in case... thanks for taking care of my car, and please take the keys back from that brother of mine??? :)
ReplyDeleteLaina I can totally feel your pain there walking around with your pee... and no soap or t.p.??? COME ON!!! Hmm... maybe it's just us Canadians who think it's improper to walk around urine in hand?? :) Hope you're feeling better!