So yesterday right before I was ready to leave the boss arrived to move my stuff. He was without his pal so it's lucky I was home or he's have likely tried to do it all himself. He buzzed me when he got here and I talked to him on the ensuite videophone. He told me he was at my door, so I (haha, oops) assumed that he meant the door downstairs, which nonresidents need a key to get into. So I went around the apartment tucking last minute things into bags and pockets and such, and after 5 minutes (maybe more?) wondered where he had gotten to. I thought 'maybe he wanted me to meet him downstairs to move things up?' and put my shoes on, opened the door to find him WAITING IN THE HALLWAY - he didn't even knock or anything, lol, I felt very embarassed but we got over it. We moved the bed and my stuff along with the box for my table up to the 9th floor suite of my home suite home.
Now this may surprise you if you knew me in my grime-loving days, but I took a deep breath going through the door because there was easily a half inch of disgusting floating around on the floors and in the cupboards and stuff, and my skin was just crawling at the thought of living there... the former tenant's mother had obviously never visited in the time she lived here! I say 'she' because there was a pile of very long black hair throughout the apartment, just about everywhere I looked there was dirt of dustpiles or hair, ugh, it was so icky!!!! My tuff little pup adjusted fairly quickly, and once I made the bed I put her toys up there to play and she happily rolled around with her ball while I finished getting ready for dinner. Found myself a taxi just across the street near the train station, and with rushour took about 20 minutes to get about 5kms... should've taken the train!! :)
We went to a restaurant called VIPS for their buffet, and it was very good. Funny that's the first 'real' dinner I've been to since I got here and it was all foreign food with a foreign food price tag... I'm *dying* for a good BBQ!!! My old boss and his wife were really happy to see me, which was nice. While we were loitering around the buffet he said to me "I don't know if it's okay to say in your country, but can I say you look more better than last time? More lovely, very beautiful than when you worked here before?" Now if this wasn't Korea I'd assume he was hitting on me, but he was simply telling me that I looked great, it was nice to hear. His wife commented "Oh, Shauna, you got skinny one more time, it's very good!" lol... what to say, what to say! I bid them goodnight around 8 as they all went off to noraebahng and promised them I'd join them next weekend (which I'm really looking forward to!). With thoughts of the pile of gross that was waiting for me back at home I walked the rest of the way to E-Mart to get some cleaning supplies.
Weekend evenings seem to be the time many families go shopping, so the store was P*A*C*K*E*D. There were a few hilarious moments when the aisle girl tried to help me find floor cleaner by dragging me from one end of the store (about the size of the Walmart supercentres but on 3 levels) and back again as she tried to decipher what I was asking for, lol.... she was pulling my shopping cart by the basket through the throngs and I was holiding onto the little key fob that dangles off the handle, like a little kid hanging onto mommy's apron strings trying not to get lost, lol. I was giggling almost the entire time as people looked at us quizzically, mamma duck and her strange looking baby duck moving through the sea of people.
About 90 minutes and a friendly taxi ride later (a driver who, incidentally, told me that there was actually an E-Mart within base-fare range (2km) of my apartment and I didn't need to travel the 6km to the old neighbourhood - woohoo!) I got back home armed with a mop, broom, and various other kinds of cleaning supplies, as well as some hangers for clothes and a couple of storage boxes. I am going to spare you the details, but I turned up my music and cleaned this place nonstop from about 10pm until 2am. Now that wouldn't be a big deal at home, but my apartment (I counted) is about 16x15 heel-to-toe steps with my size 8 feet, plus the bathroom and entrance (maybe another 10 paces x 7 paces total?). After using 4 rolls of paper towel, a WHOLE bottle of bathroom BAM, 1/2 a bottle of windex and 1/2 a bottle of kitchen BAM and giving myself an achey lower back I finally had done enough to feel like I could live in the place comfortably... and I was very happy with myself! I unpacked most of my suitcases over the next hour, finding new homes for things and being mindful not to clutter up my little space. There are 4 stickies on my fridge door (it's not magnetic, so I'm going to remain the reigning queen of sticky-note usage!) labelled with things I would like to pick up, including a multi-drawer shelf and little bins/boxes to go in some drawers so they can be organized nicely, and food, at some point I'm going to have to buy some food!
That said, my apartment has (at this point) come furnished with a bed (pillow and quilt), a table (desk) and chair, a TV with stand, a wardrobe (that was delivered to the wrong apartment and will arrive some time today) and appliances (fridge, washer, 2-burner hotplate). I have to check my contract, but I thought I should be supplied the very basic of kitchen supplies, a pot, a pan, a cup maybe?? At this point I have 2 sets of chopsticks/spoons and 2 mugs, and that is IT. I'm not going to buy much that's complicated to cook until I know what I have to buy, as that stuff is all a little more expensive and I can buy it in stages.
So as I sit now typing this note out (internet should arrive at home this week sometime, along with the wallpaper guy to replace the disgustingly dirty badness on the walls right now!) I look around my apartment with the tidy bed, the scented candles burning and puppy curled up in her new bed and I'm happy... this place will work just fine, I'll love it here! Oh, and photos will follow because I FOUND my phone cable!!! :) (turns out the other cord is for my other camera, which I also brought... duh!). For today though I have to pack it in and get to work before it's already dinner time and I'm panicked about getting my dumb paper done. Have a wonderful day, talk soon!
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